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Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Jointly with Municipal Bureau of Ecological
Date:2023/6/27 10:40:54  View:  【 Font Size:Big Medium Small 】  【CLOSE

June is the national “Safety Production Month”, and June 5 is the date of “World Environment Day”. BLUESKY consciously shouldered the key responsibility of enterprises, actively deployed and implemented the theme requirements, “Everyone speaks of safety, everybody can be emergency”, and “To building the modernization of harmonious coexistence between human and nature”.

On June 19, BLUESKY and Xiantao Ecological Environment Bureau jointly held a comprehensive rescue drill for safety and environmental protection emergencies in 2023, further improved the emergency response capacity of all employees for production safety and environmental protection accidents, enhanced the emergency rescue capacity for multi-departmental collaboration and linkage between government and enterprise, which efficiently built a strong defense line for safety and environmental protection.

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

Relevant leaders of Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, the management cadres and relevant personnel and heads of various functional departments participated in and watched the drill, the principal leader, Feng Qionghua, took part in the activity and delivered a pep talk.

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

Feng Qionghua pointed out that the new “Production Safety Law” has made clear requirements for emergency drills in the safety responsibilities of personnel at all levels of enterprises. Article 21, the principal person shall organize the formulation and implement emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents of its own unit; Article 25, safety management personnel shall organize or participate in the formulation of emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents of its own unit, and organize and participate in the drill regularly; Article 58, employees shall strengthen their capacities to prevent and deal with accidents in an emergency manner. 

Feng Qionghua stressed that our “Four Knowledge Card” has made requirements on the risk of the post and the corresponding emergency measures, requiring all staff to know the risk of the post and acknowledge of the emergency response, which efficiently improved the business quality of all our staff. We should practically internalize the “Four Knowledge Card” of the post into the heart, externalized it into our actions. “Knowing What They Mean is Better Than Knowing What They Say, Knowing Why They are is Better Than Knowing What They are”, knowledge and action should go hand in hand, get through “The Last Meter” of safety and environmental protection work.

This drill was “the Emergency of Methanol Leakage and Fire Accident”,  the flash point of methanol was 12oC, and the boiling point was 64oC, which was classified to catalogue A flammable product. Feng Qionghua required that we all needed to know in the heart and understand clearly where our methanol storage areas were in the plant, how storage status and operating conditions were, what existing risks and corresponding emergency measures were. Infer other things from one fact, for all kinds of hazardous chemicals in the plant, especially for those flammable and combustible, toxic and harmful chemicals, we must make the source traceable, destination trackable and state controllable, to implement the safety management of various substances in a full life cycle. 

At the beginning of the drill, the on-site headquarters immediately launched an emergency response, each team performed their responsibilities such as process disposal, emergency rescue, engineering rescue and environmental monitoring, unified collaboration to carry out emergency responses in an orderly manner.

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

After receiving the report, Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment quickly organized personnel and equipment to conduct in-depth field guidance, check the blockage of sewage outlets, and monitor the air and water quality of the site. With the timely response, effective cooperation and thorough disposal, half an hour later, the danger was effectively handled, the emergency state was canceled, and the drill reached the expected goal.

Collaborative Fight to Build a Strong Defense Line --A Comprehensive Rescue Drill for Safety and Environmental Protection Emergencies caught out by BLUESKY Join

After the drill, production center organized a special meeting to evaluate and summarize the effect of the drill, formulated and improved measures. Through special meetings, morning meetings and other forms by organizing personnel at all levels to consciously study the speech spirits in the drill. Each department will take this drill as an opportunity, combine with the main risk points of each post, based on the actual position, actively carry out training and exercises, so as to achieve “Everyone speaks of safety, and everybody can be emergency”, and firmly hold the position of safety and environmental protection in BLUESKY.

Development should be safe, economy should be steady and teams should forge ahead. BLUESKY firmly shoulders the key responsibility of enterprises, listen to the Party and follow to the Party. With a sense of responsibility, “Be worried all the time”, and a sense of crisis like walking on thin ice, we should balance safety and development. In order to create a beautiful BLUESKY with “The safest and greenest, internal excellence and external beauty”, we seek progress while maintaining stability, and strive to move forward!

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